
*Hailey is our child biologically*

Age: 5
Height: approx. 4 feet
Eyes: Brown/Green
Hair: Light Brown
Education: Preschool - she is learning to write all her letters and beginning to learn to read!

Talents/Hobbies/Interests: Princesses, dressing up, coloring, talking, dancing, riding bikes, playing with friends (real or imaginary!), singing, and being with our family.

Hailey is our child biologically and she is growing up way too fast! She was born in May 2006 and has been entertaining us ever since! She talks constantly and has a very active imagination. She has an entourage of imaginary friends that she takes everywhere. She is dying for a younger sibling to dote on, love and play with.

Cute Quotes:

"Daddy, you're my hero."

"Mommy, you're my best friend."

"Please bless that Heavenly Father will behave."

"I look fantastic!!"

"Look Mom, I am not a kid anymore. I am just a mom and I don't have time for this."

"Daddy, could you not snore??"

"Mom, I think while we were gone, I think that Daisy was thinking about suckers. Because dogs can think too. Just like werewolves."

"Mom, do you know what happened to your tower? I knocked it down because I didn't think you deserved one. But I will build you another one on Monday."

"I was going upstairs and I found some poop. It was Daisy's poop. She pooped on the floor. I know it was her, because I didn't poop my pants."

"I'm trying to not let Dawson (her friend) come tell you that I hit Livvy (another friend) because I don't want to go in timeout again!"

(She had gotten in trouble and had her favorite toy taken away)
"Daddy, can I have one of my other toys that I don't like and don't play with taken away? I really like Phineas."

(We were getting ready to head to out of town for a few days, and had gotten some movies out to watch in the car. The cases were left on the table)
"We should leave these movie cases out while we are gone. That way if someone comes to our house and sees them, they will realize that someone already lives here."


Thing to do with Mommy: Go to the Children's Museum or have a girls night
Thing to do with Daddy: Go to the Dinosaur Museum or ride roller coasters
Family Activity: Family movie night, when we have pizza and eat on the floor with a blanket

Sport to play: Basketball and Soccer 
Sport to watch: Basketball, but only the Jazz
Sports team: Utah Jazz
Form of exercise: Riding my bike, walking on the treadmill, riding my scooter

Movie(s): Megamind and Despicable Me
Disney Movie(s): All the Princess movies
Musical(s): Mamma Mia and Hairspray
T.V. Show(s): Wizards of Waverly Place, Phineas and Ferb
Type of Music: Anything I can dance to
Video Game: Super Mario Brothers
Board/Card Game: Go Fish, CandyLand
Hobby: Talking, Coloring
Book(s): If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Magazine: The Friend (LDS Magazine for Children) 
Activity: Playing with my friends

Beverage/Drink: Orange Juice, Chocolate Milk, Root Beer, Sprite
Fruit: Grapes, strawberries, pineapple
Vegetable: Broccoli and cucumbers
Food: Meatballs, Mac & Cheese
Sandwich: PB&J
Fast Food Restaurant: McDonalds – only if I get a happy meal
Dine-in restaurant: Water Moon or Fortune Cookie
Dessert: All of them!
Ice Cream: Chocolate mixed with vanilla
Candy Bar: Kit-Kat

Animal or Pet: Dog, cat, lion, cheetah, tiger, fish, sharks and alligators
Subjects in School: Doing songs when we can dance around the room (Music time)
Color: Green, purple, pink, light blue, yellow
Holiday: Christmas
Dream vacation: Disney Cruise
Flower: All of the flowers are so pretty!